crafted with curiosity & full transparency

we’re experimental rum makers who love the art and science behind the various techniques used to create rum! each batch is an opportunity for us to test new variables, and we’re excited to share the results of these experiments with you. we also believe in complete transparency, which is why we document and share every aspect of our process. you deserve to know exactly what goes into your bottle of rum.

who are we?

my name is robyn smith and i’m a chemical engineer, educator, and distiller. my journey in the distilled spirits industry began in 2018 as the research chemist for a high-tech start-up distillery making rum, whiskey, and brandy. my role there wasn’t just confined to r&d and chemical analysis in the lab i built; i also got hands on experience working in production. i entered the spirits industry as a bourbon fan, but quickly fell in love with rum (literally during my interview with the distillery).

fast forward to 2024, i partnered with aaron rokjer at dead of night distillery and launched rum et al.! all of the rums that i make are crafted entirely at his distillery in los angeles, california. this collaboration allows me the freedom to operate as experimental distiller.

why rum?

if i haven’t said it enough already, i’m fascinated by the art and science behind making all spirits, especially rum. the production process involves countless variables that can significantly alter the flavor profile, making rum the most diverse spirit category out there. i’m so excited to dive into those nuances and share this exploration with you.

what’s et al.?

et al. comes from the latin phrase meaning “and others” (et aliae is the feminine plural, so naturally, i went with that). it’s commonly used in scientific literature to refer to multiple authors who have contributed to research. i chose the brand name rum et al. as a nod to my science background and to honor all the others who have paved the way in creating the amazing methods and techniques of rum making… and because rum is better with others.